We bring back Samy Kamkar "Samy's My Hero," and bring on special guests Casey Ellis from BugCrowd and Katie Moussouris from HackerOne. We talk about the tough ethical questions and the future of bug bounties in 5 years.
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We get Simple Nomad and David Schwartzberg to join us for a panel discussion on Mobile Security and Privacy. David Schwartzberg is a Sr. Security Engineer at MobileIron and Simple has been doing hacker and security-related things for over 30 years, wearing black, white, and gray hats at various points.
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L0pht Heavy Industries was a hacker collective active between 1992 and 2000 and located in the Boston, Massachusetts area. We learn about the history of the L0pht and the future.
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Today Aaron talks about breaches of LoopPay, Uber, and Dow-Jones.
For a full list of stories, visit our wiki: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Hack_Naked_TV_October_13_2015
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
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To kick off our ten-year anniversary we interview Mikko Hypponen of F-Secure. We talk about the first virus discovered, reviewing printed viruses, and more.
Visit our wiki for list of important links including the one that got him banned from Twitter: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode438#Guest_Interview:_Mikko_Hypp.C3.B6nen_10:05_AM
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
This week in security news, we talk about Stagefright 2.0, how to root your very own Google OnHub, breaking SHA-1, and AWS WAF's.
For a full list of stories, visit our wiki: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode437#Stories_of_the_Week_-_7:00PM-8:00PM
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
This week, we interview Dafydd Stuttard the creator of Burp Suite and the author of the Web Application hacker's Handbook. We talk about the source of the name "Burp" and the future of webapp scanning.
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Brought to you by Black Hills Information Security and Cybrary!
This week Aaron talks about the Experian/T-mobile and Scottrade breaches, Safe Harbor and MORE!
Visit our wiki for a complete list of articles and links covered in the show: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Hack_Naked_TV_October_13_2015
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Today in the news, Kevin recaps the T-Mobile breach. Do we now let the fox watch the henhouse? Larry dives into a Nest (TM) of IoT (drink) devices. Paul tries to keep it together with a blog post on MS08-067.
For a full list of stories and links, visit the wiki: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode436#Stories_of_the_Week_-_7:00PM-8:00PM
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Today Aaron talks about BitPay, OPM, Volkswagen, and new TrueCrypt Flaws. For a full list of stories, visit the wiki: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Hack_Naked_TV_October_1_2015#Aaron.27s_Stories
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
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This week on Security Weekly, we are joined by none other than Larry Pesce. After his recent DerbyCon talk, Larry gives us some insight on his 600 dollar password cracking machine.
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
This week on Hack Naked TV Beau talks iOS malware, Kaspersky vulnerabilities in their AV engine and more. Links to all stories are below.
Android Screen Lock Bypass - http://sites.utexas.edu/iso/2015/09/15/android-5-lockscreen-bypass/
iOS malware - https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Detecting+XCodeGhost+Activity/20171/
Zerodium Million Dollar Bug Bounty - https://threatpost.com/zerodium-hosts-million-dollar-ios-9-bug-bounty/114736/
Kaspersky Vulns - http://googleprojectzero.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/kaspersky-mo-unpackers-mo-problems.html
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Today in the news we discuss an Apple iOS directory traversal vulnerability in AirDrop. Also in Security News is the Facebook 'Dislike' button. Not to be confused with with a downvote, more along the line of sympathy or empathy. Do you ever wish you could remotely detonate resistors? Well now you can (kind of).
For a full list of stories, visit our wiki:
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
This week interview Josh Pyorre from OpenDNS on honeypots and malware. Josh is a security analyst with OpenDNS. Josh has presented at Defcon, multiple Bsides across the USA and Source Boston.
In this interview, we find Josh's secret weapon against attackers and why he goes second in ass-grabby-grabby.
For links to Josh's blog and Twitter, visit our wiki:
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
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Jack goes full-rant on Windows 10 touch screen changes. If you are still using Yahoo! messenger, you should stop. Also, vote for McAfee bumper stickers and t-shirts will likely surface after his announcement to run for the presidency in 2016.
Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode434
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Buy Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Brought to you by Black Hills Information Security and Cybrary!
This week Aaron talks about the Ubiquity email scam, the Excellus BCBS breach, Netflix dumping antivirus, McAfee for President, and more.
Hack Naked TV Web Site: http://hacknaked.tv
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
In our feature interview SANS instructor Micah Hoffman discusses everything from bug bounty programs to better security for your SaaS. Micah is an active member in the NoVAHackers community, writes Recon-ng modules and enjoys tackling issues with the Python scripting language.
Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode434
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Buy Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Welcome to another episode of Hack Naked TV recorded September 11th 2015. We’ll talk more about the Ashley Madison password dump, responsible disclosure to FireEye, and shiny new Android Ransomware. Also as promised on last week's episode, a quick demo of Powershell Empire.
Brought to you by Black Hills Information Security and Cybrary!
This week Aaron talks about the OPM breach, Windows 10 data collection being back-ported, HP no longer sponsoring Pwn2Own, and vulnerabilities in FireEye's products being sold.
Hack Naked TV Web Site: http://hacknaked.tv
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
This week Larry and Jack join Paul in studio, Carlos is on via Skype without a shirt and none other than Google-Image-Search-John-Strand joins us...from his car none the less!
Jack recently gave a talk at B-Sides Cleveland and was approached by a listener on how exactly you should talk to high-level execs about security, the DBIR and more. Then, well, tangents...
Show Notes:http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode433
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
Jack gets into full rant mode in this segment, where we cover some more news about the epic Ashley Madison breach, Smart fridge that gets hacked, and more!
Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode432
This week, we talk about a recent article describing how to crack the passwords resulting from the Ashley Madison breach. Paul's prediction of UPnP being used for evil is in the news, this time the bad guys will turn all of your routers into a botnet, a bigger, better, faster botnet.
Show Notes:http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode433
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Hack Naked Gear: http://shop.securityweekly.com
Follow us on Twitter: @securityweekly
No seriously, Jack was in rare form: Uplifting, sympathetic, offering help, and dare I say trying to be positive! After 45 minutes of this, we just wanted the old Jack back...
Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode432
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
Brought to you by Black Hills Information Security and Cybrary!
This week Aaron talks about the Ubiquity email scam, the resignation of the Ashley Madison CEO, the NSA’s bulk collection extension, NSA backdooring encryption and MORE!
Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Hack_Naked_TV_September_1_2015
Hack Naked TV Web Site: http://hacknaked.tv
Security Weekly Web Site: http://securityweekly.com
This week on Hack Naked TV, Beau talks about his top 5 favorite pentest and hacking tools as seen at BlackHat/DefCon/B-Sides.
Also, be on the lookout for Chrome pausing all flash-based ads on September 1, 2015. You can read the full article at tinyurl.com/HNTV-FLASH-KILLER.