This week in the news we discuss Googles new Wifi router and finding staff to work for Uber.
This week, we interview Bigendian Smalls and the Soldier of Fortran on mainframe hacking. Learn about writing exploits for z/OS and nmap modules.
For additional information and links talked about in the interview, visit the wiki:
This week in stories we discuss the redacted blog post by Oracle CSO Mary Ann Davidson, hacking cars with a text message, and are you using Android?
Daniel Miessler is Principal Security Architect with HP based out of San Francisco, California. He specializes in application security with specific focus in web and mobile application assessments, helping enterprise customers build effective application security programs, and speaking with executives about how to best leverage technologies and processes to reduce real-world risk.
This week we talk about bind DoS, Ubiquiti, Kali 2.0, Windows 10, Alphabet, Oracle and more.
Defcon is just around the corner and there is a lot happening in the news. For this special segment, we talk about our plans for Defcon in addition to top stories this week including the self aiming rifle and Windows 10.
This week on HackNakedTV we talk about StageFright, The Hacking Team and OPM breaches and more.
This week, we interview Shay Chen. He currently runs several large-scale researches, published annually:
1) The WAVSEP vulnerability scanner comparison test-bed and annual benchmark, covering 64 web application vulnerability scanners engines, and currently in its fifth year.
2) The RvR attack-vector classification project (, which aims to compare features of diverse types of infosec products.
3) The upcoming WAFEP test-bed for web application firewalls, already used in upcoming corresponding comparisons.
This week, we interview Rick Farina who is a well known wireless hacker and member of the DEF CON Wireless Village team and the Wireless Capture the Flag team.
He talks wireless security and shows off the new Pwn Pad.
In stories this week, we talk about how to properly handle a security breach (LastPass), and how HackerOne connects hackers with companies. You can view the full list of stories and links in our wiki below: