I'm your host Aaron Lyons and today I'll be covering password re-use attackes, symantec, and another SWIFT bank heist.
Cisco makes an acquisition in cloud security, Palerra claims a first in the same space, Crowdstrike bundles prevent breaches? And Barracuda makes it easier to give them money for Next-Gen firewalls, all that and more so stay tuned!
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/ES_Episode8
The security news is flooded this week! Paul talks about ASUS UEFI update driver, Verizon patches serious email flaw, and Tor coders harden the Onion against surveillance. All that and more, so stay Tuned!
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode470#Security_News
This segment is an interview with Rick Farina, who is an expert in the new Pwn Pad 4. He explains all it's features and perks. Paul will show off the one on set and tell you how you can win a Pwn Pad 4!
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode470#Interview_with_Rick_Farina:_Pwn_Pad4
This week on Security Weekly, Paul, Larry, and Jack Daniel host the interview with none other than Cory Doctorow. Cory Doctorow (craphound.com) is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger — the co-editor of Boing Boing (boingboing.net).
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode470#Interview:_Cory_Doctorow
Welcome to another Hack TV, this episode we have a special interview with Don Pezet from IT Pro. Stay Tuned!
Full Wiki Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Hack_Naked_TV_June_23_2016
This week on Enterprise Security Weekly, tenable makes a strategic partnership to ease authenticated vulnerability scanning, avast announces a much faster antivirus engine, Risksense unveils cyber risk scoring that allows some other kind of scoring that you might be familiar with, and alert logic goes into the cloud. All that and more, so stay tuned!
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/ES_Episode7
This week on Hack Naked TV, Beau Bullock talks about Bad Tunnel, GoToMyPC, and how Ransomware is all Javascript. Watch for full stories, here on Hack Naked TV!
Beau teaching SANS SEC504 in Marina del Rey, CA August 15, 2016: http://tinyurl.com/beau-sec504-aug16
The model robot featured in this segment is called a Double Generation One. This Telepresence robot consists of a telescoping rod connecting a Segway like base and an iPad Air 2 head.
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode469#Augmented_Reality
This week is a special segment where Paul, Jeff, Doug, and Russell talk about WordPress Patches Zero Day, Hack The Pentagon Shutters 100 Bugs, GitHub, and much more
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode469#Security_News_-_7:00PM-8:00PM
Russell is a graduate of RIC with a B.A. in English, minor in Chem, M.A. in Media Studies, and currently pursuing his PhD in Education at Lesley University.
Full Show Notes: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/Episode469#Interview_with_Russell_Beauchemin
I'm your host Aaron Lyons and today I'll be covering Microsoft, hard drive decryption, ISIS hackers, and GitHub.
Welcome to another episode of Hack Naked TV. Recorded June 14th 2016. Aaron Lyons will be covering Symantec buying Bluecoat, Microsoft buying linkedin, Michael Thomas and the CFAA, and the Pentagon bug Bounty.
Security Weekly has a special co-host, Russell Beauchemin who will be in studio with Larry and our guest Chris Poulin.
Full Show Notes:
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Larry is on the show with Russell and Chris, and they discuss Security News for the week! They talk about Typo squatting package managers, 20 years of red teaming, Spear Phishing, Infosec is a sham, and GPS DoS?
We have a special co-host on the show, Russell Beauchemin, IT Instructor II at Year Up. Larry will discuss with Russell about his new Hololens!
Welcome to another episode of Hack Naked TV recorded June 9th 2016. I’m your host Aaron Lyons and today I’ll be talking about Ransomare, Angler, and the Swift Network.
Security news this week will uncover password breaches galore, Facebook listening to your conversations. Also, congrats! You got a new laptop! And a boatload of vulnerabilities out of the box!
In this listener feedback segment, we will answer the question "should you implement your own Crypto?"
This week we interview Jon Searles and Will Genovese, the founders of the NESIT hacker space and organizers of Bsides Connecticut.
Hack Naked News covers Team Viewer, Myspace gets hacked, Infoblox, Ransomware, and Darkode! Here on Hack Naked TV!
This week is, well, rough, ServiceNow buys threat intelligence company, memory scanning in the hypervisor, and next-generation network segmentation and NAC, and John and I discuss the evolution of IDS and IPS!
Full Show Notes Here: http://wiki.securityweekly.com/wiki/index.php/ES_Episode6
Visit http://securityweekly.com/esw for all the latest episodes!
Hack Naked TV, hosted by yours truly, Aaron Lyons! This week he will bring up the Bangladesh Heist, the battle between Google VS Oracle, Rob Graham's Port Scanning, and he'll rant on Ransomware!
Paul discusses on this Security News segment, Jeremiah Grossman, Apple hires crypto-wizard Jon Callas to beef up security, Google To Kill Passwords On Android, and a ton more from our other guests! Here on Security News!
This week on Security Weekly, we answer more of your questions! Paul, Jack, Jeff, and Larry answer the listeners feedback, here on Security Weekly!