DHS urges vigilance in protecting networking gear, How spoofing an ethernet adapter lets you sniff PC credentials, and FAA considers a ban on Samsung's exploding smartphones. All that and more, so stay tuned!
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Which hardware is best for your next nerdy security (or non-security) project? The Security Weekly crew will discuss the differences between two of the new model embedded Linux boards on the market today, the ODROID C2 and Raspberry PI Model B.
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Marcus J. Ranum works for Tenable Security, Inc. and is a world-renowned expert on security system design and implementation. He has been involved in every level of the security industry from product coder to CEO of a successful start-up.
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Gucifer, Sophos Blue Screen, and Sundown Exploit Kit here on Hack Naked TV!
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A new take on Windows 10, One million IoT devices infected by Bashlite malware-driven DDoS botnet, Encryption Technology Causes More Cyber Attacks? All that and more, so stay tuned!
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Data security either on premise or in the cloud and the merits of each.
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Joshua Corman is Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative for the Atlantic Council. He co-founded @RuggedSoftware and @IamTheCavalry to encourage new security approaches in response to increasing dependence on technology.
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Aaron talks with Paul Paget, CEO of Pwnie Express, about the Pwn Phone being on the USA network hit show Mr. Robot.
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Ios Zero Days, Russian Hacker convicted in the US, and a certificate authority makes a blunder. Here on Hack Naked TV!
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Facial recognition, VxWorks, Leaked Shadowbrokers, Bitcoin, and much more on Security Weekly!
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Heather Mahalik is leading the forensic effort as a Principal Forensic Scientist for ManTech CARD.
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Listener feedback segment will be The Host's Perspective, common questions we've asked our guests will be answered by some of the hosts!
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Threat Intelligence gets funding, Security products in the cloud, incorporating virus totaling in your products, two factor authentication for voice-over IP.
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To MSSP or not to MSSP is the question. All that and more on Enterprise Security Weekly!
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Updates on the Shadowbroker dump, Malware on Wiki Leaks, and some brand new ransomware!
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Juniper joins Cisco and Fortigate, US and Canada store were infected by malware, and DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge that ran at DEFCON.
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Event Viewer UAC bypass, AppWhitelisting Bypass, 80% of Android Devices vulnerable to Hijacking, PowerShell Open Sourced, and Tool of the Week! - DataSploit.
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Snowden Thinks Russia Hacked The NSA, How to disable WPAD on Windows so hackers can't hijack your computer, and People Ignore Security Alerts Up To 90% Of The Time. All that and more, so stay Tuned!
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Alex Horan from Onapsis joins us. Alex is a security focused IT professional with strong experience leading and motivating IT teams and departments.
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To Be or Not to be A Contractor. A listener of Security Weekly asks Paul and his crew.
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Integration in the enterprise security space, Cisco cuts its work force, and Pwnie Express Paul Paget.
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Well the “shortage” of IT and InfoSec Professionals made have just been solved by Cisco. Yesterday Cisco announce it is planning to cut 5,500 jobs from its workforce. The layoffs will supposedly allow the company to invest in key priorities such as security, IoT, collaboration, next generation data center and cloud.
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NSA hacked by the "Shadowbrokers", Scolex malware, Cerber ransomware, and hacking naked! News on Hack Naked TV!
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Paul, Larry, Joff and Lance discuss the news for the week on Frequent Password Changes Is a Bad Security Idea, Facebook’s favorite hacker is back, Linux malware? That'll never happen, and much more! Here on Security Weekly!
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TachyonNet is a multi-threaded Python tool that has the ability to listen on all 65535 TCP/UDP ports, as well as listen for ICMP traffic.
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