Steve Brown, Keynote Speaker at SecureWorld Boston 2019 to discuss his talk about Building Your Strategic Roadmap for the Next Wave of Digital Transformation!
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CylancePROTECT now available on AWS marketplace, Attivo Networks enhances deception platform with Forensic Collection, Cyber Security market will reach $365.26B by 2026, and Elevate Security raises $8M in Series A!
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Marcello Salvati, Security Analyst at our sponsor Black Hills Information Security, to give some updates on his Post Exploitation Tool SILENTRINITY! Sign up for the BHIS Mailing List to receive updates about upcoming webcasts, blogs, and open-source tools from our testers at:
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Cody Cornell is the CEO of Swimlane. Matt Alderman and Joff Thyer interview Cody, to discuss Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response!
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In the Leadership and Communications segment, are boards of directors responsible for cybersecurity, cybersecurity mental health warning, how to cope with a Mid-Career Crisis, and more!
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A PNG Android Vulnerability, 620 Million Stolen Accounts for Sale on the Dark Web, How Shifting Security Left Speeds Development and more!
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Brendan Goodwin is the Regional Cyber Director – Northeast & Mid-Atlantic at Alfred J. Gallagher Co. Brendan comes on the show to talk about "How Cyber Insurance can Augment Your Cyber Security Strategy."
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Why it's way too easy to sell counterfeit goods on amazon, how to defend against the runC container vulnerability, creating a dream team for the new age of cyber security, how you can get a windows 95 emulator for Windows 10, Linux, or MAC, DEF CON goes to Washington, and InfoSec institutes top podcasts that take your computer skills to the next level!
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Gurpreet S. Sachdeva is the Assistant Vice President of Technology for Altran. Gurpreet Sachdeva will be discussing "Integrating Security into DevOps"!
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There are quite a few choices for selecting open-source and inexpensive hardware to build your network and provide tools to monitor for security events. In this segment we'll discuss some of the options, the pros and cons of each, limitations, and really cool features! Includes coverage of Qotom hardware, how to procure enterprise-grade switches, the right cabling, and OPNSense and pfSense.
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Harry Sverdlove, Chief Technology Officer of Edgewise for an interview, to talk about The Future of Firewalls!
To learn more about Edgewise, visit:
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Where do we stand today in the following 3 areas when it comes to vulnerability management: 1. Applications - DevOps, containers and applications in general (desktop and SaaS) - What are the new challenges and how do we solve them? 2. Infrastructure - We still have infrastructure, operating systems, IoT, network infrastructure, etc...How do we best make this happen and make sense of the results? 3. Mobile - How do we cover iOS, Android, Chrome OS? Do we even care?
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Cisco unlocks IoT potential with Intent-Based Networking, Qualys extends cloud platform with patch management, Tenable announces general availability of Predictive Prioritization, and Lacework announces security support for Azure and Multicloud environments!
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In the Application Security News, Many popular iPhone apps secretly record your screen without asking, MongoDB databases still being held for ransom, Most of the Fortune 100 still use flawed software that led to the Equifax breach, and a Chrome extension with millions of users is now serving popup ads!
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In the Leadership and Communications segment, Keep your employees and you'll keep your customers, Why leadership development is superficial and how to fix it, simple techniques to overcome negative emotions when negotiating with others, and more! Full Show Notes:
Tim Eades is the CEO at vArmour. Tim joins us on the show to talk about the basic flow of problems, the solutions, and the value.
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Connie Mastovich is the Sr. Security Compliance Analyst at Reclamere and she will be speaking at InfoSec World 2019. Connie's talk will be about "The Dark Web 2.0: How It Is Evolving, and How Can We Protect Ourselves?" Connie teases her talk and explains how to protect ourselves, our clients, and the information that we handle daily.
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Ed Moyle is on the Advisory Board for InfoSec World and he joins us on the show to talk about InfoSec World 2019 and its upcoming plans. Ed Moyle is also giving a talk on "Cryptocurrency Lessons for Enterprise Blockchain".
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5G networks must be secured from hackers and bad actors, zero-day vulnerability highlights the responsible disclosure dilemma, a flaw in multiple airline systems exposes passenger data, security bugs in video chat tools enable remote attackers, and an original World War 2 German message decrypts to go on display at the National Museum of Computing!
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DetectionLab is a collection of Vagrant and Packer scripts that allows you to automate the creation of a small active directory network that is pre-loaded with endpoint security tooling and logging best practices with a single command. It's cross-platform and the only requirements to bring up the lab are are Virtualbox / VMware and Vagrant.
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RSA Conference announces finalists for Innovation Sandbox Contest 2019, DigiCert announces all-in-one digital certificate management solution, Google's new Chrome extension warns you about stolen passwords, Signal Sciences raises 35$ Million to accelerate market expansion and tech innovation, and Palo Alto is in talks to buy Information Security firm Demisto!
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Randall Trzeciak, the Director of the CERT Insider Threat Center at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute! Randall will be speaking at InfoSec World 2019 about "An Effective Insider Threat Program" on Saturday, March 30th @9:00 am.
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Three UK customer details exposed in homepage blunder, Microsoft cloud services see global authentication outage, the age of surveillance capitalism, the rise of DevXOps, and much more!
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Keith and Paul discuss the current state of privacy and software development.
- Facebook reveals news feed experiment to control emotions
- Facebook pays teens to install VPN that spies on them
- Apple blocks Facebook from running its internal iOS apps
- Apple restores Google’s internal iOS apps after certificate misuse punishment
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Sandra Toms is Vice President and Curator at RSA Conference. In 1998, her vision was to establish RSA Conference as a global cybersecurity forum where technology vendors and businesses unite. We all know how that turned out! Britta Glade is Director, Content and Curation at RSA Conference. When I first met Britta in 2012, she headed analyst relations for RSA before moving over to RSA Conference. If you want to learn more about RSA Conference, you can visit
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