In this news segment, we start off by discussing funding, acquisitions, and Ironnet's unfortunate demise. We discuss Gmail's new, extra verifications for sensitive actions and Lockheed Martin's Hoppr SBOM and software supply-chain utility kit. We get into CISA's roadmap to help secure open source software, and their offer to run free vulnerability scans for the United States' 150,000+ water utilities. Then, discussion turns back to some more negative items with Brazil's self-inflicted $11 billion dollar data leak, and the MGM/Caesar's ransomware attacks, which seem like they could have a common attacker and initial attack vector (a shared IT support company, perhaps). We also discuss Microsoft's post mortem on the Storm-0558 attack. Kelly Shortridge wants to know, "why are you logging into production hosts", someone is submitting garbage CVEs, and Mozilla finds that privacy policies from auto manufacturers are a privacy TRAIN WRECK. Finally, we wrap up discussing tools that can detect deepfake audio, as well as the likelihood that this will be the start of a game of leapfrog, as deepfakes get increasingly better over time. And we discuss Delphi's offer to create a 'digital clone' of you that could live on forever, haunting your descendants.
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