With the U.S. facing a shortage of roughly 314,000 cybersecurity professionals in the workforce, according to CSIS, there is an urgent need to build cybersecurity skills and fill the workforce pipeline with students who are prepared to pursue cybersecurity careers. The aftermath of the SolarWinds breach has shown that there is a desperate need to expand K-12 cybersecurity education across the country. Since its inception in 2007, over 21,500 teachers have enrolled in CYBER.ORG’s content platform and over 14,000 teachers have been trained to use CYBER.ORG content for cybersecurity education. Kevin and the CYBER.ORG team are currently finalizing nationwide K-12 cybersecurity learning standards with the goal of having all 50 states adopt them. Expected in the fall, these standards will ensure that all students have equal access to standardized K-12 cybersecurity education.
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